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There are so many beautiful names for boys throughout all cultures and countries that it can be hard to narrow down your options. Instead of choosing a name that you’re hearing often, consider something different. Here are 10 unique names for baby boys that you may not know.

After the enormously positive reception to his first music video, “All-American Boy,” singer Steve Grand tells BuzzFeed about the difficult decision of coming out as nothing but himsel

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Boy bands, specifically ’90s boy bands, will always hold a special place in our hearts. Iconic bands such as Backstreet Boys, N’SYNC, Boyz II Men and 98 Degrees created tunes that we still can’t get out of our heads. A few have returned with new albums and started touring again, such as Backstreet B

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The Boy Scouts of America today announced an end to its long-standing ban on openly gay members, but the organization’s board must still vote in May on whether to ratify the resolution. Some call it an intentional “news dump.” The Boy Scouts of America today announced an end to its long-stand

According to the CIA, as of 2018 there were an estimated 981,129,427 boys ages 0 to 14 living in the world. This number stems from an estimated total population of 7,503,828,180. You might think that the number of males in the world is equal to the number of females. Research suggests otherwise. A r

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After years of debate, the Boy Scouts of America voted on Thursday to end the controversial policy banning openly gay youths to participate in the organization. More than 60% of the 1,400 delegates in the group’s national council voted that the Scouts can no longer deny youth admittance “on the bas

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“‘You show me yours and I’ll show you mine’ is not mutually beneficial.” “‘You show me yours and I’ll show you mine’ is not mutually beneficial.” BuzzFeed Staff He’s brought several gay YouTubers together to dole out some much-needed info to their straight girl friends. Really? Is this a thin

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